I cannot tell you why, but we make caricatures out of our heroes. It seems that what our government and our journalists are trying to do is tell us what we want to hear. I don't know about you, but I want to hear the truth.
In my 26 years of military service I have had the honor to serve alongside a number of real-life heroes. My heroes all had compelling reasons not to be heroes. They didn't do what they did to be loved, or admired, or even thanked. They did what they did, braved the risks or endured the suffering because it was the right thing to do.
By the way... the first hero I would care to name is a guy named John Van, my elementary school bus driver. He sat in the hallway and taught me how to read. Our family had just moved and I started the 1st grade a few months late. John sat out in the hallway with one of those huge "See Spot Run" books and helped me get caught up.
From the page: "Jessica Lynch, the US army private who became the heroic American face of the Iraq war when her convoy was ambushed soon after the invasion, lambasted the Bush Administration yesterday for lying about the incident."
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